Etiquette Test
Click Here for Etiquette Test

  1. Open to all boys and girls that can play and keep score on their own for at least 9 holes.
  2. Caddies are only allowed in nine hole divisions.
  3. Players MUST NOT reach their 19th birthday by August 15th of current year.
  4. Breakdown of age groups will be determined after all membership registration forms are received.
  5. Special tees are used for the 10 and under 9 hole boys group and 12 and under girls group
  6. Awards will be given in each event to at least the top 4 finishers in each age division.
  7. Each player shall complete and pass a brief etiquette test prior to that player's first event. 
  8. Swearing and club throwing will not be tolerated. This could result in suspension from an event or their membership being revoked without a refund.
  9. Maximum 145 players per event
  10. On-Line payment, Check or Cash are the only way to hold spot in an event.

For more information call or text Dave Gilpin 517-499-3662 or e-mail..

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